Maintenance Coordination Dos and Don'ts for Landlords

Maintenance Coordination Dos and Don'ts for Landlords

Maintenance Coordination Dos and Don'ts for Landlords

Owning property requires doing the right maintenance to keep it in tip-top condition. A quality property management company can help you keep your rental property well-maintained at all times.

Using these services is so popular that the worldwide property management market is expected to reach a revenue of $23.63 billion by 2026.

Read on for some landlord tips and a few dos and don'ts regarding maintenance coordination to keep your tenants happy.

Maintenance Coordination Do: Be Proactive

One of the key hallmarks of good rental property maintenance is to be proactive. When you implement some preventative maintenance measures in advance, your property will stay in great shape without the extra work.

Create a simple preventative maintenance checklist and use it regularly to ensure everything is working as it should. For example, inspect the HVAC system and air filter, look for leaks, and do regular walk-through rental property inspections between tenants.

Don't: Put Off Repairs

Successful maintenance coordination means you address issues as soon as they arise. Not only will this keep things from getting worse, but it also leads to happier tenants.

The sooner you can fix a problem, the better off everyone will be. Make sure your property management company handles maintenance requests promptly.

Do: Find Reliable Contractors

To perform the right rental property maintenance, you need contractors you can trust. If you're finding them on your own, make sure they're fully vetted, blonde, and insured.

If you use a property management company, make sure they do the same. A reliable, trustworthy network of qualified contractors will give you peace of mind and improve tenant satisfaction.

Don't: Skimp on Safety Tasks

As a landlord, it's your job to ensure that your property is safe for tenants to live in. Make sure you include safety as part of your regular property maintenance plan.

Check smoke alarm batteries, ensure that all walkways and entryways are well-lit, and check the parking lot to make sure it's in good condition. A regular safety check is vital to prevent issues and to ensure that your property is maintained the way it should be.

Do: Be Honest with Tenants

While you should definitely partake in doing regular property maintenance, it's also important to make tenant expectations clear, too. Always tell your tenants in advance what you expect from them in terms of holding up their end of the bargain and specifically include this in the lease.

Some landlords may require their tenants to do snow removal in the winter, and others may require them to change the HVAC filter every month. Whatever your expectations are, it's important to make them clear well in advance before the tenant signs the lease.

Keep Your Property in Great Shape

Remember these landlord maintenance coordination dos and don'ts to keep your property in great shape. With a bit of communication and regular check-ups, your rental property will be a safe, wonderful place to live.

PMI Foothills can help you manage your property in the Denver, CO area. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help!
